A lot of real estate brokers might help you with staging inside your home but making the outside look its best is just as important. If your home lacks curb appeal it’s possible that buyers won’t ever step inside.
If they do, they may walk in with a clouded vision of your home that could affect the possibility of them wanting to make it their own. We’d like to offer you 10 tips to improve the curb appeal of your home.
Curb Appeal Tip #1
Hide ugly necessities – like utility boxes, AC units and trash cans. Check with your HOA first but often, those ugly AC units can be hidden behind a small fence or lattice or some strategically placed landscaping. Hide utility boxes with similar fencing (don’t block access for the utility company) or a little paint that matches the color of the wall behind them.
Curb Appeal Tip #2
Spruce up the front door by adding a little contrasting paint color, some molding or even a decorative screen. If you have glass insets, consider changing out plain glass for stained-glass.
Curb Appeal Tip #3
Add some color with seasonal flowering plants. Change out some solid greens with colorful plants or plants that flowers. Whatever you decide, do NOT use artificial plants and flowers. These give the impression that you can’t get the real stuff to grow and can be a real turnoff for buyers.
Curb Appeal Tip #4
Makeover your mailbox by adding decorative stone, address numbersor maybe a nice column and topper on the stand. A mailbox that is falling down or otherwise damaged screams deferred maintenance.
Curb Appeal Tip #5
Landscaping. Create welcoming spaces like stone walk ways and seating areas under trees. Find ways to make your home as inviting as possible.
Curb Appeal Tip #6
Update the garage door with a hardware kit that gives it some extra charm. If it has chipping paint or scratches, you should fix that too!
Curb Appeal Tip #7
Light it up! Consider using solar yard lights to highlight the best features of your yard or to light a path.
Curb Appeal Tip #8
Add some art! We’re not talking about lawn gnomes and old lady bottoms here, but a classy fountain or some nice planters will go a long way toward making the front of your home more appealing.
Curb Appeal Tip #9
Fix it! All of it! If parts of the front of your home are in disrepair, buyers will assume they’ll find the same thing inside. While you may be able to pass an inspection with no issues, a buyers assumptions about the home, based on what they see out front, may keep them from even making an offer.
Curb Appeal Tip #10
Clean it! See #9 above. A badly stained driveway, dirty windows or cobwebs under the eaves, tells a buyer that you don’t put much time into the upkeep of your home.
One of the best ways to get buyers into your home is to make the outside as appealing and inviting as possible. Give the best first impression you can, you only get one chance at it!